My Little Cowboy

My Little Cowboy

word cloud

Sports Nut

Get a Voki now!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tool # 11

I really enjoyed photostory,voki,and wordle. What great tools to use in the classroom. They really will help provide new experiences for students.

Since technology is becoming such an integral part of our everyday lives, and I watch my grandchildren manuvering through their ipads and ipods so much more gracefully than me, I have really come to internalize just how important technology has become and how it can affect the learning in classrooms. The apps that are available for tutoring, creating, and self exploration can be eaily incorporated into classroom learning centers.

At times it was very frustrating because I wasn't able to place things on my blog like I wanted to. The directions and steps that were given to help with the process at times were not clear and difficult to follow. I was surprised to find that there are so many apps available to be used as resources and how blogs seem to be used by so many people.

Tool #11

Some things that students should know and understand about being good digital citizens are:
1) There are rules to be followed when using the internet.
2) Be careful with what you say on the internet.
3) Communicate clearly on the internet.
4) Respect peoples' privacy.

To help students learn and understand digital citizenship, I would tie it into our TRIBES agreements and help students make a connection between them. I would also tie it into the grade level discipline code of conduct so that students make the connections of proper conduct between home, school, life, and the internet. This aspect will also need to be included in the grade level discipline plans this year and I will be looking to make sure that we address it on each grade level. As an administrator,when I visit classrooms at the beginning of the year I will make it a point to mention digital citizenship when I speak to the classrooms about expectations for the year.

Tool #10

I reviewed Shape Builder and found that it was a really good interactive game for pre-schoolers or kindergarten students to help them build hand-eye coordination.The app is very interactive and kids practice building puzzles and building them by placing the parts correctly. This app could be used in a center to help students with hand eye coordination.

I also revied Math Drills Lite and found that it was easy to interact with. It prompts students and gives them visual aids in learning addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts. This app could used for multiple ages and be set up as a workstation to help students with their math facts.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Tool # 9

Jing is a great resource for teachers especially those who team teach. They can use it to record important information that they want to share with students without having to repeat it over and over. It can also be a resource for students to use at work stations so that the directions are readily available.

Skype would be great for a class to use when they are doing an author study. They could communicate with the author directly and talk to him/her. It can also be used as a tutorial instrument for afterschool programs. Teachers in different schools could collaborate on a unit of study and their students could have chats about information that they have learned.

Tool # 8

Using videos in the classroom are a valuable resource. Students are move involved and interested in learning.

Tool # 7

I had a hard time getting my photostory on this blog. I really enjoyed working with photostory.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tool # 6

What a great idea! There are numerous ways that Wiki can be used as a tool for students and teachers to interact.

Tool #5

A GeekyMomma's Blog: 15 Free Tech Tools for Teachers
The tags I used to locate my information were tech, tools, free, sports, scores, and teams. The free tech tools have some really good sites. On one of the sites you can create and publish books! Social booking will be very useful especially when I leave my laptop at school and need to work on projects.

Tool # 4

I like that there is a resource available to keep me current on educational issues. I also like that I have a tool to use when I need to share documents such as spreadsheets, letters, and other data information.

Tool # 3

Great tool to use for creative writing and adding illustrations. Love it!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tool # 2:
I believe that building an online educational community definitely has its advantages. Many times educators find themselves searching for hours for worthwhile resources to increase student interest and participation. What a fabulous tool to have on hand when you're at wit's end!
Many of the comments that I viewed shared one common thread: Technology is the staircase to learning for our students. What stood out from the advice that I read was that we are all in this together; we are all glad to be able to share with one another; setting boundaries is very important.
The five blogs I selected were:
Sylvia's Blog
1st Time Blogger
It's Tool Time
Blog It
Aggie Roadrunner

Monday, June 7, 2010

This is like test driving a new car. I hope everything works.